Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!

Christmas 2008

Christmas was a blast this year. It was spent with family even with the all the snow. Luckily my sister Tracey and her husband Chad were able to make in from Arizona. We got to spend lots of time with them. Isabella loved it, (so did we) she loves her uncle's and aunties,even though her uncle chad gives her a hard time. It was a BARBIE Christmas for Booboo. All she wanted was barbie, so girlie, I LOVE IT! Ok, she wanted Princess's too. She was so much fun to watch opening presents. She really got into it. Gabi's too little to even know what was going on but she sure did love spending time giggling with her Nana. Her Nana got her giggling so much, it was the cutest thing. I'll be posting pictures in the next couple of days so keep a look out.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Where did the neighbors car go?

Where did the neighbors car go?

Can you see it? It's almost covered. So crazy this weather we are having.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


We finally got Isabella to go outside in the snow. She only lasted about 5 minutes.(She's like her mom,not a big fan of the snow.)

That's right, I'm not a big fan of the snow but I bundled up just so I could take Isabella outside to see what the snow was all about. (the things you do for your kids) She didn't care for it too much. I think she might have liked it better if it weren't so windy.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Zoo Lights

Last Saturday we went to Zoo Lights , we had a great time even though the zoo was super crowded.

Uncle Phil, Daddy, Isabella and Chelsie
In front of the big Bear with Mommy and Daddy

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Our First Bath Together

Isabella and Gabriella took there first bath together, both of them loved it.