Monday, January 26, 2009

New Puppy

This is Isabella's new puppy Belle( THANKS Auntie Teri) She loves her new puppy.
Giving her new puppy some love.

More Kisses

I just love that cheesy smile.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Gabi 4 months.

My sweet little Gabi is growing so fast. She had her 4 month appointment the other day and was 26 inches long, weighed 15lbs8 oz and still has a small head. Shane and I can't believe how big she is getting. She is so much fun these days with all her giggling and smiling, she has become such a happy baby, I love it! She is rolling over, front and back, she does little sit ups and is starting to kind of sit on her own. She scoots on her belly and on her back. It seems like she is doing things so much faster then Isabella. Doctor tells us she is probably going to be crawling around in no time. Let's hope not.


We've been reading Pinkalicious a lot lately and the other day Isabella says to me "Mommy make cake for Daddy, Pink, K". It was really cute so she and I made some pink cupcakes for Daddy.
Here she is tasting the final product.
Licking the batter.

Smiling next to her work. She was so proud of herself.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Opening my christmas eve present, PJ's.

Isabella was so exccited over her Polar bear PJ's. Polar bears at the zoo are her favorite.

As you can see she could not wait to put them on.

Oh my gosh, Princess stuff.

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