Saturday, December 4, 2010


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Jasmine turns ONE!

Happy Birthday my sweet little Jasmine!

She was not into her cake at all.
My three sweethearts.
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Chocolate MIlk

Jasmine found one of her sisters chocolate milk.
I think she liked it.

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Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

My Little ladybug.

The ladybug and piggy (aka, Isabella and Jasmine)
Emmett, Eliot, Isabella and Gabi
Cutiest little piggy
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Monday, September 27, 2010

My little blondies!

I love these little blondies soooo much!!
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Gabi's 2!!!

Gabi and her Tinkerbell cake. (she picked it out)

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Reading to my sister

This was so cute. I caught Isabella reading to her sister.

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First Day of Preschool

Isabella being shy and not wanting us to take a picture.

It was a great first day, she went right in and had a great day. She cried when I picked her up but I think she was just worried. Cause after the first day she has not cried. She tells me everyday that she loves going.
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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Enjoying a cupcake on the 4th of July

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More 4th.

My little sweethearts, minus one.
Girls enjoying the dance floor
Having a dance with Papa.
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more 4th

Great Grandma Judy with Jasmine. She sure did have fun loving on her Great Grandma and Great Grandpa.

Daddy and Great Grandpa playing horseshoes
Gabi stealing daddy away.
Great Grandma with Jasmine and Isabella.
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4th of July

4th of July was awesome, we had a great time over at Papa Rogers. He built a dance floor on his deck and everyone loved it, girls included. We couldn't keep Gabi off of it.

Jasmine hanging with Uncle Phil.
Gabi on the dance floor taking notes.

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