Sunday, January 31, 2010


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What would you rather eat?

Ice cream or Toes?
Mmmm, I think I rather have my toes.
Gabi is so dang cute!
Yup, I think my toes are good, I eat them some more.
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Make out KISS

Who is that Blondie kissing my husband?
Oh wait it's Isabella, she is giving her Daddy what she calls a make out Kiss.
It's pretty funny to watch. She watched us kissing one day so know she does it.
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My Polka Dot Girls

I just love making the girls wear matching clothes. Thanks Auntie Aimee for the super cute PJ's.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

Cute Bows

My girlfriend Julie made me these adorable bows for the girls. One says, Big sister, Middle sister and Lil sister, they are so cute!

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Gabi going potty for the first time

Gabi sitting on the potty. Will she go???
Look she actually went potty in the little toilet. I was so proud of her. I guess it helps having a big sister who uses the potty.
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Jasmine, smily girl

Check out her smile. She was smiling at her sister Isabella.
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