Sunday, July 18, 2010

Enjoying a cupcake on the 4th of July

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More 4th.

My little sweethearts, minus one.
Girls enjoying the dance floor
Having a dance with Papa.
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more 4th

Great Grandma Judy with Jasmine. She sure did have fun loving on her Great Grandma and Great Grandpa.

Daddy and Great Grandpa playing horseshoes
Gabi stealing daddy away.
Great Grandma with Jasmine and Isabella.
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4th of July

4th of July was awesome, we had a great time over at Papa Rogers. He built a dance floor on his deck and everyone loved it, girls included. We couldn't keep Gabi off of it.

Jasmine hanging with Uncle Phil.
Gabi on the dance floor taking notes.

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Friday, July 16, 2010

More sumer fun

Isabella with her BFF

Ring around the rosie in the pool.

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

More summer fun

While the girls played in the pool Emmett decided to play with the shoes.

Gotta love the princess shoes. He's a shoe man!!
I just love it, Emmett with princess shoes. I am sure his Dad will love this photo too. Sorry Brian.
Such a cutie pie! (AKA Emmett, Gabi's boyfriend)
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Summer Fun

Isabella enjoying our pool with on of her best buddies, Eliot.
It's so fun watching them. The pool was freezing but they loved it and did not care.

Gabi all ready to go into the pool. She was smart though, too cold for her. She never got in but she sure did look good.
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Snuggling with Daddy

I just love this picture of Jasmine and Daddy. She loves to snuggle.
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My sweet little Jasmine, oh and Gabi's head. She was sneaking into the picture she wanted a picture with her BABY (Gabi calls her, Her Baby)
Sisters. Jasmine just loves her sisters!! And her sisters LOVE her. It's so sweet.
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Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Isabella all ready for her first Dance class.

Isabella and her friend Eliot.
So cute!
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Little Cuties.

My three little cuties.
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