Tuesday, March 31, 2009

St. Patty's Day

We went out to dinner with our Good friends Lubna and Fawwad and Isabella BFF, Nisma. We had a great time. Isabella found these silly green hats that she could not keep her hands off. The girls had a great time.

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St. Patrick's Day

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Gabi's first sippy cup use

Gabi can now have up to 6 oz of water a day, so we give her a sippy cup. She liked playing with it but not so sure about the water. Pretty funny.

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more children's mus.

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Children's Mus with friends Carson and Kelly

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Strawberries for Dad.

Isabella is into making stuff for Daddy. We made Chocolate covered Strawberries one night.
She had fun eating them with Daddy when he got home.

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I get my fashion sense from my Auntie Tracey

This the lovely outfit Isabella had to wear on a walk to the park. Gotta love it.
I think she has totally learned this from my sister Tracey. She had blue top, purple tutu, pink pants and pink necklace. I should have taken a picture of her in the stroller like this , all you could see what her little head from the tutu riding up.

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Fun Family time - Swimming

We have another swimmer on our hands. We took the girls swimming last night, we all know Isabella is part fish but her little sister loves it too. At first we were a little worried since Gabi hates her bath for some reason but we took her anyway, sister Isabella wanted Gabi in the water. Plus we were trying to wear them out as both of them didn't have a nap. Well, Gabi loved it. Laughing and screaming with excitement the whole time. It was so fun! Isabella loved having her sister in the water with her too. I'll post pictures when I get a chance.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Check out the blues my girls have

They have the most beautiful blues eyes. I just love it!!!

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Gabi 6 months

My sweet little Gabi-abi is growing so fast. She is now 17 lbs. 4 oz. and 29 inches long.

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I just love the picture of my sister and her new baby boy Parker.
Isn't he just the cutest boy on the block!
(Doesn't she look amazing, so happy and glowing)

So comfy in his Momma's arms

Wide awake, I love it.

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