Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Me and My Girlfriend Nisma

Nisma taking a snooze, I tried waking her but she wouldn't wake up.
Oh well! I guess I will let her sleep.
Nis and I posing for some photos outside, it was
beautiful day.

Trying to get us to look in the same place at the same time. What a challenge.
Mommy had Daddy and Nisma's mommy and Daddy all trying to get us to look at the same place, it was pretty funny. Giving my friend a hug :)
Were checking each other out. We love hanging out together!

1 comment:

Lubna Fawzy-Qureshi said...

They look sooo cute together. The comments were pretty funny. One of these days we'll get a shot of both of them looking at the camera at the same time. :)