Thursday, October 18, 2007

Pumpkin Patch!!

Dad, Mom and I
Taking in a little snack.
Oh my gosh, look how many there are.
Dad with my pumpkins I picked out.
Dad, Grandma and I. Can you tell we're related?

Crawling up the hay stack.
I made it! A wave to Mom, Dad, and Grandma's.
I'm so proud of myself.

Our perfect little pumpkin!
Going to see the Animals in the Animal Barn
Grandma, Dad and I checking out the little pigs.
On a hay ride with the girls

Monday, October 15, 2007

Night out!

Mommy and Daddy took a night off and went out with Uncle Paul and Auntie Michelle.
They were celebrating Mommy's birthday, Auntie Michelle's Birthday and mommy's friend Christian's birthday. Don't worry, I had a good time out home staying up past my bed time, playing with Paige and Val. Thanks girls for watching me while mommy and daddy went out.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Thanks Grandma!

Went shopping with Grandma, Auntie Michelle and Mom on Oct, 13, Auntie's Birthday
and Grandma spoiled me rotten. She got me this cute new hat, some really cute pink poodle slippers, a match jacket, some sunglasses and some really cute hair bows. Oh and I can't forge the shoes. Have I mentioned I'm a shoe girl. Thanks Grandma! I
had a lot of fun.

Happy Birthday Auntie Michelle!!

Hope you had a great 32nd birthday (yesterday)! love you Isabella.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Getting ready for my 1 year appointment

I had my one year appointment today. I am getting BIG! I
was 17lbs 9.5 oz and 29 3/4 inches long. Doc says I am
doing great.

Monday, October 8, 2007

My New Ride!

I got tons of cute outfits for my birthday, here is one of them.
(Thanks Auntie Rachel!!)
So precious!

Check out my tights. Mom just loves them.

Having fun!

Say cheese!
Twinkle toes, that's what my pj's say.
(Thanks Auntie Aimee for my new pj's. )
Hanging out in Auntie's dishwasher. Maybe I can get clean.
How does this thing work? Hum.....

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Birthday Party Fun!

Thanks everyone for coming to my party. I had such a great time. And a
special Thanks to Julie for my ADORABLE BIRTHDAY OUTFIT!
Slater and London with Mommy Brandi.
Slater and I sitting in my new chair. (Thanks Grandma Patti for my
new chair, I'm loving it!) Testing out my new rocket... ...I LOVE IT!! Thanks so much Auntie Michelle and Uncle Paul. Mom, Dad and I Having a good time. Check out the bows. My new rocket!! Playing with the girls! Thanks for coming to my party, it was fun! Daddy and Ryan trying to put together my new rocket! Thanks guys! My Cake
Boy oh Boy was it good. Auntie Michelle and I. I'm number 1! Opening my presents. Decorations
My decorated highchair, thanks mommy it was cute. My Cake Kayla and I Eating Pizza for the first time. It was good. Ok, well
I liked the cheese off the top.