Friday, November 2, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Hey everyone,
How you all had a great Halloween. Here are some snap shots Mom and Dad took of me this Halloween. We had a lot of fun. Grandma and Grandpa came over, we ate some stew and passed out Candy. Then when Dad got home we went and trick or treated to a few houses. It was a lot of fun!
Waddle, waddle.
This is how I answered the door with Grandma.
Man, I am wiped out.
My friend Nis the ladybug and I. Doesn't she look adorable?!

Quack, Quack.
Trying to eat some candy. Mom wouldn't let me have any.
Dad and I.
My friend Luke as Pooh Bear, He looked so cute.

1 comment:

The Whites said...

Such a cute little duck she is!! =) Can't wait to see you. xoxo's