Saturday, June 28, 2008

Pee Pee in the Potty

Isabella is becoming quite the BIG girl before her little sister comes along. She has a big girl bed which she loves sleeping in and a couple of weeks ago we got her a big girl potty chair cause she was telling us when ever she goes potty. We've been letting her test it out and sit on when we go potty but on Wednesday we were playing in her pool in the back yard she yelled to Grandma, pee pee. So Grandma rushed her into the house and put her on the potty and she went pee pee in the potty. She was so proud of herself she came running out and told me. And again today twice she told us she had to go pee pee so again Grandma rushed her into the potty and she went potty in her chair. She was very proud of herself again, clapping and laughing, we are very proud of her too! Our little girl is getting BIG.

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