Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a busy but wonderful Valentines day. We had swim lessons in the morning. Came home took a nap, then went and picked up the cakes that Mommy ordered, we got ice cream cakes for Daddy and one for Auntie Michelle and Uncle Paul. Then we ran over to drop off Auntie and Uncles cakes then stopped and got Pizza, then came home. Our friends were coming over for dinner. We had a great time playing and running around the house with Caleb and Chloe.
Isabella and Chloe watching a movie.
Chloe holding Gabi.
Isabella being goofy in the car while we were waiting for the pizza.
Being silly.
Check me out, I'm a super star.
I'm Bad, you know it!

1 comment:

The Whites said...

What an eventful day for the fam. Love the heart shades!!