Saturday, October 3, 2009


Isabella is becoming such a big girl. She is potty training again (yes for the second time, she was potty trained before Gabi came along but decided she wanted to wear diapers after she saw us changing Gabi) but she is doing so well and we are so very proud of her. She also had her first swim lessons today without Mommy or Daddy in the water with her. She did amazing, I was so proud of her. I was crying (I think it's the pregnancy hormones). The swim director told me that we need to move her up probably 2 or 3 classes since she is so advanced. She can do the back stroke and is doing her front arm strokes so well, she is my little fish and I love it. She also does a Gymnastics class with Dad and her BFF Nisma, which she loves. Oops gotta go Gabi is waking up. Love to all!

1 comment:

The Whites said...

That's so fun! Do you have any video's to share? Give the girls lots of kisses from their Auntie. Love you and miss you! xoxo