Sunday, June 22, 2008

Day at the Zoo

So since Daddy went fishing on Father's Day we went to the Zoo on Monday. It was lots of fun seeing all the animals.
Being silly with my sun glasses.
Riding the horse. (ok it was a fake horse but it was still fun)
This is at the end of our day, can you tell I am wiped out.
(I crashed about 5 minutes later)

Still my favorite. I love the Polar Bears.

Posing with Papa Virgil, Grandma Ortie, Daddy, and GG (Great Grandma)in front of the Polar Bears.
Eating my first Elephant ear, it was super yummy. I keep signing that I wanted more.

Trying to touch the fish.

Driving the tractor
Petting the sheep

The Sun Bear, I liked him too.

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