Thursday, July 31, 2008

Boise Trip

As you can tell I had a lot of fun on my trip with Daddy.

Brooklyn and I, this is me after getting sunscreen on. I look like a little ghost.
Daddy and Brooklyn being silly.
making silly faces
Trying to drive the boat
Uncle Chris, Uncle Miah, Daddy and I

Crazy hair, this is what happens after the sun screen.

Chillin with Brooklyn
Grandma Patti pushing me on the swing
Grandma swinging with Brooklyn
Uncle Miah trying to give me kisses.

more chillin with Brooklyn, she was lots of fun to hang out with.
Me and Grandma Patti
At the Boise Zoo


Chad and Tracey said...

The picture of Isabella with her hair all a craze and her tongue sticking out is hilarious! Looks like she had a fabulous vacation with her Daddy and Grandma Patti! =)

The Maddux Family said...

So funny! She definitely has her own personality! I love it!