Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Gabi Update

Sister Gabi is coming soon. Mommy is going to be induced on the 8th for sure unless she decides to come earlier. So by this time next week I will have a new little sister, I can't wait! We'll keep you all posted and post some pictures once she arrives.



The Oppliger's said...

Ahhhh that is so exciting...Looks like you might beat me :) I go to the Dr on Thursday and see what is next? Good luck I will be thinking of you! Can't wait to meet your new baby GIRL :)

The Whites said...

Can't wait for Miss little Gabi to enter this world!! Miss you and love you!

The Ryan's said...

Yahoo! I can't believe I haven't seen you in 9 months! We definitely will have to get together once you get settled in with little Ms. Gabi. Be well and good luck - we'll be thinking of you!