Thursday, November 6, 2008

Gabriella at 2 months

Well Gabi has certainly been living up to her name " the big little sister". Gabi had her 2 month appointment and she weighed in at 12 lbs 10 oz and 23 1/2 inches long. She is growing fast. Gabi is going to catch her big sister soon who weighs in at a big 23 lbs. Gabi is smiling a lot these days and talks (cooing) to her big sister. It's so cute to see Gabi light up when her big sisters talks to her.


The Whites said...

She is precious, I can't wait to meet her next month!! xoxo

The Maddux Family said...

So cute! I see a little of Isabella in her, but I definitely think she looks more like you! XO

Anonymous said...

Oh my what a CUTIE PIE!!