Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Hello Everyone,

Sorry it's been so long. Mommy and Daddy have been very busy. First Mommy and I were in California for a week and a couple of days. When we got back Mommy was really sick, she had a temperature for several days, plus I was sick too. We started swimming lessons again (which I love, mommy will post some pictures) and then we found out the we had a water leak under our house which has caused lots of damage. So Uncle Paul and Auntie Michelle have been so nice as to let us stay with them, going on two weeks. Thanks Uncle Paul and Auntie Michelle, I really like hanging out with you guys. I know Mommy and Daddy appreciate it too, very much! But from now on Mommy is going to try and keep up with the blog. Hope you all are doing well! love, Isabella

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