Thursday, May 1, 2008

Baby Brother or Sister??

What do you think it is?
Here we are on our way to our appointment to find out if I am going to have a baby brother or sister.

The Girls!!
I'm going to have a BABY SISTER!!!!! YEAH!!
Mommy note: So it's really funny cause when ever we asked Isabella if she wanted a sister or a brother she would get excited when we would say sister and shake her head no when we would say baby brother. When we told her it was a sister, she was very excited. We asked her what her name should be and Isabella replied "BEE". Isabella calls her baby doll "B" and her blanket "Bee". We thought it was pretty cute. So for now, until we decide the name, she will be "BEE" as her big sister calls her now.

1 comment:

Life is Good said... look so good....your skin is seriously glowing!