Thursday, July 31, 2008

Boise Trip

As you can tell I had a lot of fun on my trip with Daddy.

Brooklyn and I, this is me after getting sunscreen on. I look like a little ghost.
Daddy and Brooklyn being silly.
making silly faces
Trying to drive the boat
Uncle Chris, Uncle Miah, Daddy and I

Crazy hair, this is what happens after the sun screen.

Chillin with Brooklyn
Grandma Patti pushing me on the swing
Grandma swinging with Brooklyn
Uncle Miah trying to give me kisses.

more chillin with Brooklyn, she was lots of fun to hang out with.
Me and Grandma Patti
At the Boise Zoo

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I'm Back!

Daddy and I(Yup that is right, just Daddy and I. Mommy had to stay home Doctors orders) went on vacation to Boise to see Uncle Miah, Summer and Brooklyn for a week. I'm back and mommy will be posting some pictures from our trip.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Just like Daddy and Grandma Patti

So everyday we make Daddy a lunch before work. He always wants a P & J. Isabella always sits on the counter and helps but this day she said, "down please" so I let her down. She went over to the silver wear drawer and grabbed a spoon, then she asked to come back up. So I picked her up and put her back on the counter. Next thing I knew she had her spoon in the peanut butter jar and was eating the peanut butter off the spoon. It was too cute cause Daddy and Grandma Patti do the exact same thing (don't worry they have there own jars that are labeled, so this way no one else eats out of them.) I guess we are going to have to start an Isabella jar.

Looking Pretty

Isabella is all Girl and I love it. (She hates being dirty)
Here she is at her Grandma Patti's birthday.
Isabella now likes to have her hair done, she calls it her pretties. We say do you want to get your pretties done and she runs into the bathroom and waits for us to put her on the counter to do her hair. We think she started calling it that cause we would always tell her "oh how pretty" when ever we would do her hair. If we haven't said anything about getting her pretties done while getting dressed in the morning she will ask "pretties". And she will actually leave it in her hair now.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thanks Nana and Papa for such a GREAT 4th of July

Went over to Nana and Papa's for a BBQ on the 4th. We went swimming in the pool and then did some small fire works. It was a great time.
Here is Daddy and Papa being silly with the sparklers. They were having a sword fight with them.
Here I am with a sparkler. I loved it and wanted to keep doing more.
Again with the sparkler, I wasn't afraid at all.
Throwing Pop it's. That was a lot of fun too.
more throwing.
Daddy and I stomping on them when they didn't POP.
Relaxing at my very own table waiting for dinner. Oh I can't wait for my sister and cousin to join me at the little kids table, it's kind of lonely by myself.

Helping Papa with the sprinklers.
Papa pushing me in my wheel barrel.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!

Relaxing while waiting to go to Nana and Papa's house.