Sunday, July 13, 2008

Looking Pretty

Isabella is all Girl and I love it. (She hates being dirty)
Here she is at her Grandma Patti's birthday.
Isabella now likes to have her hair done, she calls it her pretties. We say do you want to get your pretties done and she runs into the bathroom and waits for us to put her on the counter to do her hair. We think she started calling it that cause we would always tell her "oh how pretty" when ever we would do her hair. If we haven't said anything about getting her pretties done while getting dressed in the morning she will ask "pretties". And she will actually leave it in her hair now.


Life is Good said... are one PRETTY little girl!

Lubna Fawzy-Qureshi said...

What a little angel. Shane and Sabrina you'll have your hands full keeping the little princes away from your precious princess. :)
