Sunday, September 7, 2008

Gabriella Paige has arrived

Gabriella Paige Hollingsworth made her way into the world at 8:45 pm September 5th, she weighted in at 7lbs 9oz and was 20 inches long. We couldn't be happier! She is doing great and Big Sister Isabella is already in love with her little sister. We will post more pictures as we get the opportunity to download them. Meanwhile my sister has a few great pictures on her site. It's under the Maddux family.

Shane, Sabrina and Big Sister Isabella


Life is Good said...

Congrats...she is BEAUTIFUL!

The Whites said...

Yeah, Congratulations! She is adorable! I can't wait to meet her...your family is so beautiful! I love you and miss you!! xoxo

Jen said...

yeah! congrats! glad to hear everything went well. gabby is super cute, cant wait to meet her :)